Pitt County
Council on Aging

We are a non-profit agency that is committed to improving the quality of life for older adults through advocacy, services, life enrichment activities and friendship.
Whatever your age, skill level, time commitment, or talent, we have an opportunity for you! You can be involved however much or little time that you want. Please browse our needs below and see if something appeals to you. If so, you can email info@pittcoa.com or you can call 252-752-1717. Thank you!
"Sure I'm for helping the elderly. I'm going to be old myself some day."
Lillian Gordy Carter
Please return to the COA at 4551 County Home Rd, Greenville

Deliver meals throughout Pitt County to needy seniors' homes. Can be as small a commitment as one day a month. Boxed meals are delivered on Saturdays, so you can volunteer any day Monday through Saturday. Training is provided prior to beginning.
Classes or seminars
Do you have any interests or talents that you can share with our seniors? Art, computers, dancing, something unique...anything is welcome. It can either be a one time class or a weeks long class.

Resources or People
Can you connect us to an organization where we can share our message? Or do you know of sponsors or services who would help us?

Every dollar helps
Council on Aging is a non-profit. We operate on grants and donations. Can you please help us with our mission by donating money? Every dollar helps us provide a better quality of living for a senior. Click below to donate using a card.

Odd Jobs
We need help around our facility. It could be painting, planting, filing, making calls, or other random duties. If you have some time to volunteer, we can use you in some capacity!