Pitt County
Council on Aging

We are a non-profit agency that is committed to improving the quality of life for older adults through advocacy, services, life enrichment activities and friendship.

2023 Best of the Best
The North Carolina Association on Aging has presented the Best of the Best 2023 Excellence in the Field of Aging Star Awards and the Pitt County Council on Aging brought home two! Rich Zeck won the ROCKSTAR award which honors an Executive Director for the quality of leadership and organizational management that they provide to their organization and to the aging network. Brainiac Boot Camp, one of the programs that is offered under the direction of Cyndi Shimer, Director of Programming, won the Reaching for the Stars Award for innovative and creative programming that enriches the lives of older adults.
2020 Ernest Messer Award
The 2020 Ernest Messer Award was presented to the Pitt County Council on Aging for 2020. This is one of three statewide awards presented annually by the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services. The award is named for Ernest B. Messer, a champion for aging in the NC General Assembly and former assistant secretary for aging for the NC Department of Health and Human Services between 1981 and 1985. The Council on Aging received this award for excelling in addressing the needs of its older citizens. In addition to maintaining services during the pandemic, the Council on Aging raised $1.5 million to expand its senior center building and help remove clients in need from the waitlist.

5th Annual Ann Johnson Senior Center of the Year Award
The Council on Aging received the prestigious Ann Johnson NC Senior Center of the Year Award for 2021. With close to 200 senior centers in NC, to be recognized as the best among so many superior programs, is an exceptional honor. The award is named in honor of the late Ann Johnson for her dedication, hard work and vision that helped pave the way for seniors and those who work with older adults. The annual award, presented by the North Carolina Senior Center Alliance, goes to senior centers making significant contributions that address and elevate issues important to the field of aging through advocacy or other methods that make a positive impact affecting older adults. The Council on Aging was selected as the recipient because of the top-notch services and resources they provide to seniors in Pitt County.