Greetings Family and Friends,
Congratulations you made it to 2025! Last year phew, over and out, adios and good riddance. Let’s start anew and fresh. Whatever you faced last year, sickness, hardship, despair, it is gone. This year let us spend each day living for everything and expecting nothing.
This past year I have seen and heard way more than my fair share of sad stories. The good news is I have heard more good stories and stories of hope --how a simple meal changed a person’s outlook on life because of the volunteer who delivered it. Or someone who lost a spouse and was lonely and depressed came to the senior center and it gave her hope and a purpose to get up each morning and come fellowship with others.
The Council on Aging, YOUR Council on Aging, is not just a place of fun and education but rather a place of renewal. A place you can come as you are and be a part of something bigger. No one should be alone, isolated, or depressed when there is a place like here where you can be valued and loved.
If you are that person or know that person, make this the year YOU get out of your comfort zone and bring someone here who needs to be here. You may want to be here but there are many who need to be here. Bringing someone here is the greatest donation you could ever give. The gift of love and hope is priceless. May this New Year be more than you could ever expect.